Greetings from back in the front country of Yellowstone National Park. The last for days have been full of adventure and excitement. The group split into two groups with each group spending two nights in the Slough Creek backcountry while the other group stayed and fished from the Slough Creek front country.
The first group hiked the 5 miles to the second meadow of the world famous fishery on 7/18. This is typically prime time for dry flies and hoppers with big cutthroat lazily slipping in slow moving crystal clear bends. With this years record breaking snowfall the river was still moving fast and slightly green, but that did not stop our group from catching some of the big fish Slough is known for.
During their second day in the backcountry the group really started to figure out how to catch big fish in fast water. With their focus switched to streamer fishing deep holes they more than doubled their fish count from the precious day. All though the fishing was not the as fast paced as it can be on Slough, the kids had a blast catching the biggest fish of the trip thus far.
Meanwhile the other half of the group enjoyed some solid fishing mixed with some unforgettable wildlife encounters in the front country. Within the first few hours of fishing the front country of Slough they had an encounter with a Grizzly bear who was passing through. Shortly there after they were catching big fish, also on streamers.