The LFFE Blog

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Yellowstone Adventure II - Update 2

Hello all, The Yellowstone Adventure number 2 is off to a great start. The first night of the trip was a bit hectic due to Delta Airlines, but the group rallied and ended up having a wonderful evening filled with cheeseburgers and ultimate frisbee. The boys hit the hay early as the anticipation of what was to come started to set in. The next two weeks would be spent in America’s oldest, and...

Montana Road Trip Adventure - update 3

Hi families! The Montana Road Trip has been staying cool throughout the hottest of Montana summer heat wave days! We have been having a blast here in Fort Smith on the Bighorn, camping at the site of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The sun has been out and it has been strong! We have been combating the triple digit heat with late wake ups in the morning, letting other guide outfits flush out of...

Yellowstone Exped 2 - update 1

Hi all! Airport day was a huge success; we all had so much fun getting to meet everyone! The group is already getting along great, it's always fun watching the nerves melt away as guys make connections and get to know each other. These first days are not always as smooth as this and we are stoked on what is next for this trip. Tonight we will stay at the Lillard Fly Fishing headquarters in Ennis...

Yellowstone Adventure - Update 1

Hello families! The guys have arrived in Bozeman, MT for the second Yellowstone Adventure! The guide team just completed their first Adventure of the summer and had an absolute blast. Tons of big fish and many memories made, so we are pumped for round two, to say the least! This trip is an outstanding experience for a number of reasons: the many different types of fish, two very cool backcountries...

Yellowstone Expedition 1 - Update 4

Hello all, It's hard to believe the trip is over. This has truly been one of the most successful Yellowstone Expeditions I have ever been part of. Not only was the fishing incredible, but the bonds and friendships I witnessed throughout the trip will surely last a lifetime. One camper mentioned that while fishing and exposure to the outdoors on Lillard trips are always highlights, the main thing...

Montana Road Trip Adventure - update 2

Hi families! The Montana Road Trip has been gettin' busy getting after some great fish and exploring southwest Montana! We kicked off the trip by knocking out our community service project on day one, while also learning about how to conserve rivers and actively monitor water quality. We had the opportunity to get together with the Madison Conservation District and their Stream Team to go check...

Bob Marshall - trip update 2

Dear Parents, We are ecstatic to announce that after 8 days, over 65 miles hiked, and hundreds of native fish brought to the net, our Bob Marshall Expedition has exited backcountry! Below is a day by day recount of the trip. Day 1: With pickup day over, our group of 15 shifted our attention to preparing for such a daunting thru hike trip. The boys helped assemble food bags, separated group gear...

Yellowstone Expedition 1 - Update 3

Hello from Ennis, Montana! After many days, the crew is back together in developed society and unfortunately out of the park for good. The guys have reunited after a long Snake River backcountry and are looking forward to two days of world famous Montana fly fishing. Leaving the park is bittersweet, we are both exited to enjoy our much missed creature comforts and sad to leave behind the world...

Montana Road Trip Adventure - update 1

Hi families! The Montana Road Trip Adventure is officially under way! Everybody arrived safely in Bozeman yesterday (except for one who join us today). The day went smoothly. It's always fun watching guys get to know each other, make connections, talk about what they're most excited for. Everyone arrives with some nerves, but it doesn't take long before they're laughing and having fun. After...

Yellowstone Adventure I - Update 4

Greetings all, I am writing to you on the final day of the Yellowstone Adventure. It’s been an incredible two weeks filled with laughter, struggle, growth, and -most importantly- fish! This group has done amazing things both for the waterways we love so much and for each other. Without knowing it, each participant has made a lifelong impact. The last few days of the trip are always my favorite. It...

Yellowstone Adventure I - Update 4

Greetings all, I am writing to you on the final day of the Yellowstone Adventure. It’s been an incredible two weeks filled with laughter, struggle, growth, and -most importantly- fish! This group has done amazing things both for the waterways we love so much and for each other. Without knowing it, each participant has made a lifelong impact. The last few days of the trip are always my favorite. It...

Colorado Expedition - Update 3

Hi families, Here’s a recap of what we’ve been up to! 7/12 We started our day with some much needed rest. The group whipped up some delicious banana cinnamon French toast with chorizo on the side. After our daily mindfulness class, we all dipped in the reservoir nearby to help us wake up and get ready for the epic day ahead of us. With tunes blasting in our loaded van, the kids saw the vastness of...

Yellowstone Adventure I - Update 3

Hi families! The last week or so has certainly been eventful for the guides and the Yellowstone Adventure crew alike! After resetting with some pizza after coming out of the backcountry in Grebe and Ice Lakes, we moved camp to Bridge Bay Campsite just beside the beautiful Yellowstone Lake and the Mighty Yellowstone River. The following day we headed to the Upper Yellowstone River to hunt giant...

Montana Road Trip Expedition 2 - Update 4

Hi families! The Montana Road Trip finished strong with a final few days of fishing. After a great few days in Fort Smith exploring the Bighorn and trying some tailwater tactics, we drove over to Paradise Valley to see the differences between a tailwater and a true freestone river like the Yellowstone. The Yellowstone River was fishing well with grasshoppers proving to be very productive, as they...

Yellowstone Expedition I - Update 2

Greetings from Bridge Bay! After splitting up for the backcountry, the group has reunited on the banks of Yellowstone Lake to recoup from a tough, but amazing Slough Creek backcountry. But before I dive into that, there is a lot of amazing fishing to unpack. Our trip started out hot, catching 100+ fish on the upper Gibbon river. The guys really enjoyed the opportunity to warm up by slaying fish on...

Montana Road Trip Expedition 2 - Update 3

Hey families! The Montana Road Trip hasn't just been surviving this Montana heat wave, we've been thriving in it! We arrived at Cottonwood Camp on the Bighorn River a few days ago. We've had a fun few days of fishing, exploring a new river. The triple digit temperatures from the heat wave have been an added challenge, but no better place to cool off than some of the coldest water in Montana. The...

Colorado Expedition - update 2

Greetings from Colorado and Rocky Mountain National Park, The past few days have been nothing short of spectacular! The group has been meshing like old friends getting to go together on a long-awaited fishing trip. Having a smaller group of just seven kids has allowed for our group to mesh at a rapid pace. The guys have been reaching for their pockets throughout the past few days only to find a...

Bob Marshall - trip update 1

Greetings from Missoula! The second ever Bob Marshall Expedition has started! Leo, Owen, and I have never been more excited for a trip or had a better group of campers! This year's trip should be nothing short of spectacular. Airport day went smoothly. It's always fun watching guys reconnect, watching new friendships begin to form, and seeing the nerves melt away. Once everybody got in, we loaded...

Montana Road Trip Expedition - update 2

Hi all! The Montana Road Trip has had a great first few days of fishing! Energy is high! Exploring the Ruby and Madison Rivers at their peak fishing always makes for a fun time. Everybody has had a great time learning and practicing the fundamentals of fly fishing, from knot tying to mending drifts to roll casts and water loading. Everybody is catching on nicely and landing fish! We split up the...

Yellowstone Adventure I - Update 2

Hello Families, Greetings from Yellowstone Adventure 1! The trip has been rolling along and lots of fish have been caught! The boys are in high spirits after their showers and a gas station run. We’re looking forward to a day in town. A lot has happened since the first update. We’ve moved into the park and will stay in the park until the end of the trip. We’ve completed our first backcountry which...

Yellowstone Expedition 1 - update 1

Hello! Airport day was a big success; we all had so much fun meeting everyone. The guys are getting along great! After a quick lunch, we headed to a fly shop in Bozeman to ask about fishing conditions and to procure some flies. Tonight we will be staying at the Lillard Fly Fishing headquarters in Ennis, Montana. This evening will be all about bonding and building the foundations of our team. We’ll...

Montana Road Trip Expedition II - Update 1

Hi families! The Montana Road Trip Expedition is off to the races! After gathering everybody at the Bozeman airport, we hopped in the van and zipped down to our basecamp in Ennis. The 41 mile drive takes you southwest out of Bozeman and into the Madison Valley, the world famous Madison river flows through Ennis along with a number of other pristine trout streams making the fishing never far from...

Colorado Rocky Mountain Expedition - update 1

Greetings from Colorado, Our Colorado Rocky Mountain Expedition is officially underway! This morning seven different high schoolers woke up across different parts of the US and all rallied for one purpose: to connect with our fly fishing team to start making memories for a wonderful summer. We have kids from Miami, New York, Massachusetts, Colorado, Chicago, and California bringing geographic...

Yellowstone Adventure I - Update 1

Hi families! The guide team is pumped up and ready to go on our official first day of the Yellowstone Adventure! All of us agreed this morning on the way to the airport that this is our favorite trip to run for so many reasons. The opportunity to catch big numbers of large and hungry cutthroat, brown, and rainbow trout every day tops the list, along with the ability to catch 3 different strains of...

Colorado Adventure II - update 3

Hi all! Today is airport day! It’s so sad to see these guys go. It was great getting to know them and watch them get to know each other. This trip totally flew by— we definitely wish we could have more time with this group. After cleaning up and resetting from our backcountry leg, we headed further into the mountains towards Kremmling, CO. Here we stayed at Pumphouse Campground, situated along the...

Berkshires to Beaches Expedition - Update 4

Dear families, I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that you finally get to see your kid’s happy faces today. The bad news is that our trip has come to a close. Ending the portion of our trip in the Cape was bittersweet for many, including the guides. The pine tree-lined campsite overlooking a pristine kettle pond was such a treat to have in our backyard. Great striper fishing, ice...

Thorofare - update 2

Hello all, We are back in Jackson and regaining our bearings in developed society. There is something about spending a week in the most remote place in the United States that makes a town like Jackson feel foreign. After walking through the crowded square, and navigating tourist traffic, the guys and I jokingly (kinda) agreed that we wished we could hike the 24 miles back into the Thorofare and...

Montana Road Trip Expedition II Update III

Dear Parents, The Montana Road trip continues to roll on. The last time you heard from us, we were chasing salmon flies on the Madison, and after finding success, we quickly packed up to head to Missouri, where we set a new LFFE record for the largest brown trout, measuring 25 inches! The group has really found their groove on and off the water, and we are excited to see what their last day of...

Colorado Adventure II - update 2

Hello families! Today we exited the backcountry! The first group hiked in 2 miles to Big Meadow campground while the second group hiked farther in to upper Onahu site. The Big Meadows group had a brief but challenging hike in to our campsite situated next to Tonahutu Creek. We enjoyed some super productive fishing for beautiful brook trout, with every camper landing 10+ fish (and some many more)...

Mass Bass Adventure - Update 3

Greetings from the Mass Bass Adventure, We're writing to you all on the final day of an awesome trip. The past 10 days have been filled with lots of laughs, good company, and numerous fish. It is sad to see the group leave, but we know they are leaving as confident, independent anglers who care for their environment. Not only have all the boys grown in their fishing abilities, but they have also...

Ready to Enroll?

Click "Enroll Now" or give us a call to get started. You can also send us an email at [email protected].

If you have any questions you can Request Information and we will contact you soon with answers.

Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions was started in 2010 as a graduate thesis for my Master's Degree in Environmental Conservation Education at NYU. The operating premise was simple - by coupling amazing wilderness fly fishing camps for teens with environmental education and service learning we can help inspire future generations of fly fishing conservationists. We have been growing our unique list of trips and experiences ever since.

When it comes to choosing a summer program for your teen the options are endless. For the teen who loves to fish, be outside, and has a strong sense of adventure we have made the choice easy. We are the leader in teen fly fishing adventures and are dedicated to providing the best backcountry fly fishing experience with opportunities for teens to engage in leadership training, community service, and backcountry camping.


Will Lillard signature

Will Lillard, Founder/Director/Guide

Contact Us

[email protected]

Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions
2540 King Road
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768

(828) 577-8204